Eternal sonata ost
Eternal sonata ost

eternal sonata ost eternal sonata ost

When she's lurking in the shadows, however, she casts an ever-helpful group heal that harnesses the powers of the wind itself.

eternal sonata ost

Serenade, on the other hand, has a long-ranged magical attack when she's standing in the light. Crescendo is an honorable, Paladin-esque addition who prefers to unleash his noble battle skills at close range. One of Eternal Sonata's most compelling features is its light/dark mechanic: The special powers of your party members change depending on whether they are standing in light or in shadows, and monsters may even transform based on the same criteria. In battle, these two characters bring important techniques. These additions are the princely Crescendo, and his fiance, the beautiful and stalwart Serenade. More importantly, two characters from the original release will be returning-but this time they will be joining your adventuring party. Based on this scene, it appears that all of the voice actors have reprised their roles, and the character models and backgrounds were all as lushly colored and detailed as fans would expect. While this was a relatively short bit, it further expands an important story point (in order to avoid spoilers for newcomers to the game, we don't want to get too specific). We saw a new cutscene in which ill magic user Polka collapses in the snow, and her companions rush to her aid. One of the ways Eternal Sonata will do this is through new scenes and playable characters. You can read GameSpot's review of the Xbox 360 version to catch up on story specifics and other odds and ends, but suffice it so say, Eternal Sonata's story is unusual and a bit hallucinogenic, and on the PlayStation 3, you can expect even more exposition to further flesh out the characters and their relationships. This fantasy world is named from musical terms: characters include Alegretto and Viola Castle Forte looms in the distance and Chopin visits a number of singular locales, such as Baroque. Famed Polish composer Frederic Chopin has but a few hours left to live-yet as he lies on his deathbed, he enters a dream state that is as real as anything he's ever experienced. Of course, the story remains the same as in the Xbox 360 version. We got a close look at some of these new features during a visit to the publisher's Tokyo office this week, and we're glad to see that the same loving care that went into the original creation is being lavished on these additional elements.


And soon, PlayStation 3 owners will also get to explore this wonderfully dreamy RPG: On October 21, the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata ships to retail outlets, complete with some new, platform-exclusive content. But no matter what you call it, Eternal Sonata made quite a splash in both Japan and in North America, thanks to its beautiful, vibrant art design, memorable soundtrack, and unique battle system that keeps combat moving at an ever-brisk pace. TOKYO-The title "Trusty Bell" doesn't have quite the ring that "Eternal Sonata" has, so it's perhaps just as well that the US release of Namco Bandai's role-playing game had a bit of a makeover before coming ashore on the Xbox 360 last year.

Eternal sonata ost